Friday, May 12, 2023

Back-to-Back and It Hits 100+

Field of dame's rocket

Well how about that...back-to-back days with rides over 25 miles. It is the first time I have ever ridden so far on back-to-back days. I'm feeling pretty happy with myself. Over the last 7 days I managed to ride 21.2 miles, 13 miles, 12.2 miles, 30.2 miles and 27.2 miles. I did skip riding 2 days. The total mileage for the last 7 days hit my target of 100 miles...actually it was 103.8 miles. Now if only I had gotten on my bike those 2 skipped days!

Last Friday I rode the Huckleberry Trail from Heritage Park to the 460 underpass towards Virginia Tech. The trail ends at the Blacksburg Library. I usually ride through Tech's campus & pick up a road that will take me towards home. I probably should start taking a different route when Tech's in session. Any ride these days around campus makes one a bit nervous. The college kids are so wrapped up with their phones they walk right out in front of you...never looking to see what may be coming. One of these days something bad is going to happen. I just hope I'm not the one it happens to...

Curious cow along trail

On Wednesday I decided to head off for Huckleberry Trail since it was such a beautiful day. I really enjoy long rides when there are bright blue skies and lots of sunshine. I decided to ride out to Heritage Park from the house & pick up Huckleberry Trail to Christiansburg.  Once I get to the trail I usually ride to the bridge over Peppers Ferry Road. I'll hit 15 miles at the bottom of the foot bridge over the highway & make the turn to head back towards Blacksburg. Depending on my return route home I can hit between 27 to 30 miles for the total ride. Feeling pretty good I meandered my way around town until I hit 30 miles.

Thursday was another spectacular day for a ride. I needed only 23.4 miles to hit 100 miles over the last 7 days. I wasn't too sure that I could ride 23+ miles after Wednesday. I ride almost every day, but usually after a long ride I stick to much shorter & easier rides.  I thought 'what the heck' I really wanted to have a 100-mile week of rides. If I got too tired I could easily cut the ride short and finish off the last few miles in a couple of neighborhoods, but I got caught up in the beauty of the green fields & bright blue skies. I ended up riding the whole trail to the NR Mall.

Lots of wildflowers were blooming along with plenty of those often called 'invasive species'. The Dame's Rocket & Multiflora roses have been everywhere this Spring...terribly difficult to get rid of but still beautiful when in bloom. The blackberry vines are starting to bloom & the honeysuckle smell was heavy in several spots along the trail. I did enjoy listening & watching the birds fly off the fences as I rode along...goldfinches, mockingbirds & thrushes were the most frequent ones. A pair of pileated woodpeckers are always heard in the woods and occasionally I will catch sight of them as they do a flyover. Early this week I spotted a pair of Baltimore Orioles chasing off a mockingbird. I would loved to have been able to get a picture, but one never stops going up a big hill.

Dame's Rocket
Multiflora rose

Which brings me to a little pine tree along the trail...on the last little hill before crossing Glade Road. I did stop there to take a quick shot since these birds don't fly. Someone likes to decorate the tree from time to time. In November it was decked out with ornaments for Christmas. Now it has tiny bird ornaments. It makes me smile as I ride by it. Thanks to whoever is responsible for bringing some joy to everyone's day!

The bird tree...always makes me smile.

*click pictures to enlarge

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