Saturday, April 15, 2023

Spring Biking in Virginia

Dogwoods along Long Bishop

Dogwood Blooms

Spring in Virginia is a beautiful time of year. The birds are singing, trees are blooming & everything is turning a beautiful shade of green. Over the last 3 weeks one of us has been out riding most days...the other has been out driving around town sorting through the roadside junk. One of us is going to be ready for Utah rides in a few weeks...

Being back on the bike has gone pretty well...the legs have been far better than expected. The bottom has handled almost daily riding pretty well too. If compared to last year's Spring biking season the body has been in far better shape to ride. Not exactly sure what the difference has been, but not complaining about it. Maybe the yoga? That's been the only 'new thing' added this year. The daily 20 to 30 minutes of yoga has been a new experience for me. Enjoying the time spent on the mat & Adriene has been very good introduction to yoga. 

Run from the Neon Lady

17 White-tailed deer

The last few days have been some awesome rides. Sunny & warm enough to ditch the tights & jacket. A few days ago there was a huge herd of white-tailed deer laying down in the shade. Unusual to see that may white-tails hanging out together. They really didn't care for the lady in her bright neon stopping to take their photo. At least they ran away from me...for some reason the single ones always seem to run towards me on the road. Not exactly going to win that battle.


Thursday I decided that I may as well ride the Huckleberry Trail. I love this ride! I decided to cut a few miles off my usual 30 miles to keep from overdoing it. Met up with the better half & Bridger for lunch rather than ride all the way to Christiansburg. By the time I got back to the house I had ended up riding 21 miles...looks like I could have done the entire trail. It was a spectacular ride...except around Virginia Tech's campus. I do wish college kids would look before stepping into the road at spots that are not crosswalks...with their ear buds they don't hear or acknowledge my warnings. Yet I'm the 'bad guy'!

Long Bishop

It rained on Friday so no ride. Today the weather cleared and off I headed to do my usual daily ride...we call it Long Bishop-Short Bishop. Roughly 8 miles of country road...Long Bishop can have a few cars pass, but Short Bishop seldom has any cars. I finished off my ride in a couple of neighborhoods with big uphill climbs until I hit my average 12 to 13 miles. 

My 7 day running average for this week stands at 70.7 miles...pretty darn good if I do say so! I'm hoping to reach 100 miles in the next week or two.

Black Cherry

Top of neighborhood hill...looking west

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