We drove to the end of the road and realized that we really do need some snowshoes so we can really hike in the "backcountry"...or maybe cross country skis perhaps? Instead of moose sightings maybe we'd catch a glimpse of mountain lions or bears. At least that was what all the warning signs posted claimed. Not sure either of us wanted an actual lion or bear sighting...not close anyway.
As we headed back out the road we found a boat ramp for some picture taking...even in less than perfect conditions it's simply stunning. We left the Park & headed on Route 2 until we traveled across the Continental Divide at Marias Pass and had a car picnic.
On our trip back towards Kalispell we came upon a mountain side that you just knew had wildlife somewhere on it. We've been on a moose hunt since Laramie so we pulled over to investigate...thank goodness we bought the binoculars.
After a couple of minutes we found one lonely deer laying out in the open which seemed odd to us so we kept looking for his friends. We then discovered a small herd of 10 or so Mule deer foraging through the snow cover.
After a bit we even came upon a small herd of Elk foraging above the deer. In the herd we saw our first male E
As we drove back through Hungry Horse we chose yet another side trip to see the Hungry Horse Dam. Pretty impressive hunk of concrete at 564 feet tall. They even allow cars to drive across the top of the dam to a road on the other side, but no we did not discover where that road led since it was getting late.
More shots from our day in Glacier...left to right...click to enlarge.
Top Row: Going to the Sun Road, Mountain Views south of Glacier, Railroad's "avalanche protection" tunnel.
Middle Row: Obelisk dedicated to Teddy Roosevelt at Marias Pass, More Mountain views
Bottom Row: View from Hungry Horse Dam, another Rail avalanche tunnel, Hungry Horse Dam

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