Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Carbello to Emigrant on the Yellowstone

Carbella BLM boat launch
After some debate we made plans with our friends to kayak the Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley. The flow had finally fallen well below 10,000 cubic feet per second so it was safe to get on the river. 

A beautiful morning to do the float with a flow rate of 7300 cubic feet per second. We decided to do a fairly long float since the river was still running pretty fast. A float longer than 5 hours feels really long and forever so we were hopeful of finishing the float in under 4 hours.

 We dropped off a car at the Emigrant boat ramp and drove to the boat launch at Carbella BLM launch site. 

As we got the boats ready to launch, we noticed the water had that odd murky blue color from snow melt high in the mountains. It looks weird, but totally normal for this time of year. As we floated down river the murkiness eventually disappeared. If you stop long enough the murkiness catches up as it moves down river.

Bill & Sandi 

Break time
When we reached the river the sun was already warm, but the air remained cool. The water always seems chilly on the Yellowstone. It was a perfect blue-sky day. In the past we have rarely stopped along the river to stretch our legs, but we've learned our lesson. 

Our last long float without stopping creating a few pains in the back & legs. It made it a bit difficult to get out of the kayak when we reached the pullout. The decision was made that we should stop every hour and stretch out legs. Now every hour or so we pull out on shore for a few minutes of walking around before heading back down river. It helped tremendously. 

It was a very busy day on the river. The takeout was full of trucks & trailers, so we knew it was going to be a busy morning. There were a number of drift boats out & everyone claimed to be catching trout. We even spotted a few getting hauled in & even some near misses.

Yellow warbler
An osprey got into the act too. It dove & came out with a fish. It is an amazing sight to witness...too bad I never get the shot. Lots of osprey nests with occupants & at least 8 bald eagles were spotted as we floated down river. We finished the float of 16 miles in just under 4 hours. 

Definitely in our top 10 days on the river.

Bald Eagle

Definitely in our top 10 days on the river.

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