Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Our setup...tent and canopy
We generally loafed about the campsite today.  Cleaned up the tent and shook dog hair off the rugs.  After driving 4955 more miles the CRV was in need of an oil change so Bill borrowed the car ramps from the camp host to get that out of the way. 

Of course all that ‘work’ wore both Cooper and him out…naptime called.  Too bad the camera wasn’t close at hand the pictures would have been blackmail worthy. 

Bill in his 'natural environment"
We headed into town for groceries and WiFi…of course a side trip by Bridger Brewery for a pizza slice was necessary as well.  Once the shopping was done we headed to Rockford Coffee for a latte and cookie at one of their outdoor tables under the Aspen trees.  We were able to get a couple of posts loaded before we killed (or maybe someone else did the deed) their signal.   It was such a beautiful day that we took a few photos around the campground…wildflowers are everywhere and the creek is moving along at a pretty good clip.

Our morning view of Hyalite Peak

Camp was set along Hyalite Creek

Tomorrow the plan is to hike up the Falls trail, well past Grotto Falls, Arch Fall and maybe all the way to Hyalite Lake.  Who knows after a shower maybe we’ll head back for more coffee…and free WiFi.

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