Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Few of Cooper's Friends

Coop missed the elk
One thing we've enjoyed about having Cooper along on this trip is the looks on his face as we pass big animals on the roadways.  It is surprising the number of animals we have seen traveling along the roads and wander through camp.  He's been totally quiet with his ears perked whines and no barks.  Coop just watches intently as we pass by the elk or the buffalo.  Usually his head is outside the window, but on occasion he's pulled back in just as we get to the animal...especially true of the buffalo.

Can you see the buffalo?
We're pretty sure Cooper thinks 'his people' are nuts.  We drive along, we see something, slow down and park off the road.  He jumps up ready to get out to investigate too, but most of the time he sits inside watching us watch animals.  He ends up getting bored with all that and snoozes his time away in the back seat.  His excitement occurs when he sticks his nose (and head) out the window to sniff the air.

Cooper has perfected the art of getting 'his window' open...he sits behind the passenger seat and sticks his head over the seat waiting for the magic to occur when the window opens.
He prefers about 30 MPH...over 40 is 'too much' and he'll sneeze on the passenger which is not appreciated.

Buffalo passing by

Our last evening in Yellowstone we headed into Lamar Valley after dinner.  We got to watch the herds of bison head up the hillsides from their usual haunts down by the river...stopping all traffic in the procession.  Cooper did not like it when Cindi stood outside the door to take a video.  The huge bull was making more noise than usual...lots of grunting and snorting.  Unfortunately we can't get Blogger to play upload the darn video...will have to play a bit with it when we get back home.

We guess he thought that it was 'dangerous' for his personal assistant to be outside the vehicle...might interrupt his breakfast plans.

More elk watching
Buffalo eyes

 More watching

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