Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Our Day of 'Rest'

McDonald Creek far below GTTS Road

After yesterday's epic 40-miler we took the day off and drove Going-to-the-Sun Road. Figured we'd see what 'trouble' we could find along the way and have lunch in St Mary. I scored a pass for the road so we didn't have to worry about time & could sleep late...haha, once there's light I'm awake others are not quite into rising with the early morning light. At least I can get an extra cup of coffee before he's up for the day.

The Apgar checkpoint moved along quickly although a number of the cars were turned around when they lacked the required pass. It seemed like most were surprised about the need for the pass. No idea why people were so unprepared since it has been widely known a reservation for GTTS Road has been required over the last few years. 
Haystack Falls

As usual all spots were taken at Avalanche for the hike to Avalanche Lake...even spots over a mile away were gone & people walking back to the trailhead. We kept going stopping at various pullouts as we went up GTTS Road. 

The road is a marvel in engineering...it can be a wee bit nerve wracking to be a passenger on the outside looking over the rail. It is a long way down to the valley floor!

Heaven's Peak
Heaven's Peak can be seen at many of the pullouts all the way to the top of Logan's Pass. There were a number of snowmelt waterfalls still running next to the road. In some cases across the road. 

One of our favorites isn't a true waterfall...it is called Weeping Wall. The entire expanse of rock has water running off it and dripping into the road. One can get pretty wet driving back down that side of the road...we close the windows, but others drive close to the wall & get pretty wet.

Mountain Goat
As luck would have it we found a lone mountain goat grazing on wildflowers in the last pullout below Logan. Of course the lot was full, but I jumped out for a few photos while Bill drove up to Logan to turn around. The goat didn't stick around too long for its photo shoot. After a few extra minutes searching for wildflowers Bill had returned to pick me up.

We switched drivers at Logan and circled the lot a couple of times looking for a spot while the other used the facilities. As usual there were no empty spots to be found so we continued on toward St Mary.

I see you!

Reynolds & Clements Mountains at Logan's Pass

We found an empty pullout a bit past Logan's Pass. It is perfect spot to capture a great view of Logan's Pass with its two prominent mountains...Reynolds & Clements. 

The waterfall on Reynolds Creek was flowing with lots of water. Nearby another waterfall sprayed onto the roadway. Our cameras don't like to be sprayed so no photos shot in that direction, but lots of people crossed the road to stand under it.

Reynolds Creek Waterfall

We were visited by a number of Columbian ground squirrels looking for a handout...too bad for them we follow the rules. Quite a number of butterflies were feeding on the various wildflowers. There's always something interesting to photograph at this pullout. 

Columbian ground squirrel

Peek-a-boo ground squirrel

Lunch Creek Falls & Pollock Mountain
We passed by our next favorite spot called Lunch Creek...all slots were taken so we kept on moving toward St Mary. Siyeh Bend parking lot was full too, but a spot that never seems to have any cars was totally empty. We didn't wait long though...people stopped while I was shooting photos of butterflies & flowers. They thought I had something bigger & better...later we did indeed find something bigger. 

Walking the road

Cinnamon black bear

When we got back on the road a mile or so down from the pullout a cinnamon black bear was taking a stroll on the road. Thankfully toward us and no cars in front of us. Unfortunately, the sun was in the wrong position for great shots...this turned out to be the only bear we saw during our week in the Park.

No other excitement was found so we headed down 
to St Mary for lunch which turned into an impromptu picnic back in the Park. Finally er snagged a spot at Lunch Creek to try our hand a some waterfall shots and quite a few wildflowers. That was our day off...lots of driving, stopping, photographing, and just enjoying the scenery. 

 Lyall's beardtongue

Clasping twisted-stalk

Blue mustard

Edith's checkerspot

Twinberry honeysuckle

Pioneer violets

Big hike coming tomorrow...The Highline.

*click any picture to enlarge

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