Saturday, July 26, 2014

Winnemucca Hike

Views from hike
After much debate about the week's activities last night we set out to immediately change the order this morning.  Of course the weather still presents a challenge since it has changed again since we arrived.  It was supposed to have been 0% for the next 10 days... now looks like rain is possible over the next few days.  
It doesn't appear we are hitting our spots quite as well as the last few years.  Last year we hit ZERO rain... that is if you ignore the fact that we headed East a week early due to rainy weather every freaking where we investigated.
Caples Lake in the distance
We prefer to hike in sunshine and bright blue skies...thunderstorms at high elevation are downright scary.  Today looked to be a better day for a hike than a drive so off we headed to Carson's Pass to hike out to Lake Winnemucca.  
Since we're starting the hike from the Pass the elevation climb isn't too bad at all...greatly appreciated by those of us who hate to climb uphill.  
Wild Iris
The lack of rain has put a hurting on the number of wild flowers...widely scattered.  Disappointing, but at least we got to see huge numbers in Yellowstone and the Bridgers.  The winter was less than ideal too since the snow pack is far less than last year...California is seriously running out of water.

Butterfly in action

Young Clark Nutcracker pestering
As we were hiking we kept hearing young birds pestering their parents.  The Clarks Nutcracker's young were squawking at their parents for a seed constantly.  On our hike uphill the parents kept showing them what to do and giving them a seed every so often.  
But by the time we headed back down the parent was tired of the sharing... when the young got too close rather than a seed it got a dose of pecking.  The squawking changed pitch immediately.  Not sure if the young one every learned how to get their own seeds or not.  We thought we'd learn pretty quickly given the size of the adult bird's beak.
Coop dips his toes in Frog Lake
Still not swimming
Cooper splashed about in Frog Lake with a couple of other dog buddies, but he would not swim.  Silly dog.  By the time we got to Winnemucca Bill was determined to get him in the water for a proper swim... with the side benefit of a bath.  
Once Bill removed his pant legs, braces, boots and socks he was all set.  Cooper followed him out far enough that he finally had to swim or sink.  A few 'laps' back and forth along with a good rub down Coop was almost clean.   At least he looked clean.  Coop took care of the looking clean a few hours later back in camp... he laid flat out in the dirt and ash.  Yep... clean dog no longer. 
Finally swimming
A quick rub down
Too bad Cooper can't take a shower... ours was nice and almost too hot.  Darn close to perfect though after a hot day hiking.
Lake Winnemucca
Climbing up for a view

Drying their toes
Sunset behind camp
Sunset in the Sierras'
Cindi knitting below

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