Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cave Falls

Our last full day in Yellowstone and we drove out of West Yellowstone to see what Bechler Ranger Station looked like on the far south end.  Got to say that those folks coming into West Yellowstone at 11:00 AM are a bit lazy or maybe they are 'uninformed'.  Talk about a traffic jam... miles of people just entering the park and the entrance was 4 lanes wide and jam packed.  The town was no better... thankfully we were headed away from all of that madness. 
The drive was pretty enough... actually better than the last time since we could see the road.  Our last time was during a snowstorm so this was an improvement.  The road into this area of the Park heads through Idaho and eventually Wyoming.  We checked out the National Forest Campground... pretty nice spot except for the bugs.  Not many campers this far down a 10 mile gravel road... the trailer would be extra dusty by the time we got parked.
Cave Falls
We stopped by the Cave Falls... perfect since it was right by the road and we could get to it with Cooper.  Lots of water flowing over the falls since it was well before the canal used to take water for all the Idaho potato farmers.  
It is the widest falls in the Park and hard to get to by car since it is totally separated from the main part of Yellowstone...3 hours away.
Western Tanager
There is... or more like was... a cave at the falls, but it has had a mishap.  There was a rock slide which shut off the cave.  Too bad that would have been cool to see.  Only one critter...a stunning bright yellow and red bird.  We watched as it grabbed a dragonfly midair... it was almost as big as the bird.

The Tetons

Fall River

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