Thursday, July 31, 2014


Yosemite Valley
Off we headed to check out what then fire damage looked like in Yosemite.  Last August the area that we had camped in while visiting Yosemite underwent a dramatic transformation.  Sweet Water Campground wasn't as burned as the surrounding area... not that mattered much.  There are miles and miles of burned forest... pretty depressing after driving through it for hours.  

More fire
It also appeared that there was active fire within the Park.  The air was heavy with smoke and it made it difficult to see the landmarks... El Capitan and Bridal Veil Falls were hidden by the smoke and haze.  

We were thankful that this was not our first visit to the Park... the scenery is spectacular when not hidden by smoke.

El Capitan 
We had our lunch by one of the lakes and watched a group of climbers striking off up the granite rock across from us.  After lunch and a quick dip of Cooper's toes in the lake we headed on out of the Park.  Route 120 was interesting... high rocky areas and a large lake.  


Nothing much to say about our return back to camp... dry and hot until we reached started up toward Kit Carson Pass... then our 104 degree day became 71 degree's.  A much better ending than sleeping in the heat.

Exhausted dog

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Route 108

Yet another drive on a scenic highway... this time Route 108.  We drove over the Sonora Pass at a bit over 9000 feet.  
The views were more spectacular than Route 4, but so much drier.  
Overall much of California is bone dry.  The lakes in the area are so far down that you can now see much of the debris sticking up from the middle of the lake bed.  
The reservoir New Melones Lake was down over 200 feet.  Stunning to see how little water is left in these huge lakes.
New Melones Lake
Wonder what they will do when they actually run out of water.
Route 108 views from Sonora Pass
As we drove over the western slope of the Sierra Nevada we hit the lowest elevation of 700 feet with the temperatures rising to 104 degrees... compare that to our camp temperature of 70 degree at 6:00 PM at an elevation of 8300 feet.  

Cooper watches sunset

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Emigrant Lake

Emigrant Lake
After our break yesterday from all activities we headed off bright and early to do the hike out to Emigrant Lake...a 9 mile round trip.  One of us (the one who hates up) stated that there "was no way we should do 9 miles.". Let's say she was ignored and we did in fact make it all the way up to Emigrant and back to the car... during daylight hours and in record time.
Coop in Caples Lake
Our usual speed at high elevation or difficult trails is around a mile per hour... today we did 4 miles in 2 hours so pretty quick heading uphill.  The return trip was even quicker...1 1/2 hour over 4 miles.  The trail was mostly flat along Caples Lake and once it turned away the elevation gain wasn't too elevation gain was only about 950 feet over the 4 miles.  
Storm clouds gathering
Not too much to complain about... well except we got caught by a thunderstorm.  Which wasn't too bad considering that our rain gear (which we ALWAYS carry) was left behind in the car.  The excuse was that since we had a bright blue day and rain yesterday that there "was no way we'd get caught".  He was wrong.  Not only did the storm catch us, but we also had some hail to go along with it.  Only pea sized, but as we came down the trail the patches we passed were getting surprisingly big. 
Cooper meets a friend
Needless to say we were a bit damp... aka wet when we got back to the car.  Since it was now pouring we decided we'd return to the Inn for a hot beverage and pie.  What better way to end our day... looks like another night of not cooking. Darn it...

Cooper takes in the view

Monday, July 28, 2014

Not Much

Can you see the ground squirrel?
Woke to a few rain drops overnight, but no sign of much this morning so far.  The sun and clouds keep taking turns so we've decided to just hang out today at the campsite.  Catch up on a few housekeeping chores... shake the rugs, brush the dirt off Coop and nap (well 2/3's of us naps) .  Which we have NEVER done in the 3 years that we have camped out West... until today.
How about now?
There it is...posing
Cooper's buddies... chipmunks and squirrels are pestering for handouts.  These guys actually seem to be begging.  They are everywhere... up in the trees too.  Noisy critters.  Our worry is that one of them will make their way either into the tent or up in the car while Coop is 'in residence'... that could be bad news.  Not to mention one heck of a mess to fix.
Steller Jay chased out of the car

The Stellar Jays are another pest worth watching... loud and raucous birds.  They scavenge around the area looking for something tasty.  While sitting at the table one decided to get in the back of the car... thankfully chased away before he got anything out of our lunch bag.  Not but so stupid. 
Lizard living in the rocks too
Just as dinnertime rolled around so did what appeared to be a storm.  Rather than try to cook and clean up during it we headed a mile or so down the road to the Kirkwood Inn for dinner.  This place will be 150 years old next week.  Coop is allowed in the 'take out area' which consisted of a picnic table... funny since it is directly beside the outdoor dining area.  We could even have a beer and eat our 'take out' right there.  Funny how different areas address dogs and dining. 
Pretty good beer but neither of us know the name... an IPA of unknown origins.  Expensive at $8 each, but we splurged... on dessert too.  I cannot pass on homemade blackberry pie and Bill got a s'more' configuration that he said was "interesting".
Anyway we didn't have to cook or clean up... and no rain hit camp.  The sunset was spectacular! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Route 4 Drive...or Coop's Day Off

Getting his morning sunshine nap
Coop's tootsies were hurting today so we decided to drive out Route 4.  We've driven it a few times.  It is one of those routes that is 'closed in winter'...28% grades and sharp curves for portions.  

Not much to report other than we had our lunch by Alpine Lake.  
Odd pine cones

Watched the boats and kayaks.  Lots of other people were out and about on the water... surprised since it was a regular work day and this area doesn't seem to attract anyone but locals.  Of course the water level was low... always seems to be the case in California.
Scary chairs on lift
We did discover a ski resort... Bear Valley.  Nothing happening on the mountain and ancient looking chair lifts... Bridger Bowl type.  No sides, no padding, no safety bar... no thank you.  On the other side of the mountain we started to see some really dry terrain... green trees, but totally dry grassland.  

The temperature actually hit 100 degrees as we headed down the valley.  There is a wildfire in the area and we're not quite sure how they are avoiding the whole area blowing up into flames. 
It was nice to start the climb back up to cooler temperatures.  At least it is green at 9000 feet.   The clouds started to look ominous not too far from camp so we decided to head to South Tahoe for burger night at Izzy's Burger Spa... it seems to have become a tradition when we're in the area.  Bonsai burgers and a shared basket of frings... about perfect.  Caught up on the weather and news of the day... looks like we have the better weather right where we are so rather than pack up tomorrow looks like we're staying put for a while longer.  
Tomorrow the local weather is calling for increase in chance of rain though so it may be a rest day.  We have yet to sit in camp... knitting may be sort of fun.

Tonight's sunset was spectacular with all the clouds and rain in the area... take the good with the bad.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Winnemucca Hike

Views from hike
After much debate about the week's activities last night we set out to immediately change the order this morning.  Of course the weather still presents a challenge since it has changed again since we arrived.  It was supposed to have been 0% for the next 10 days... now looks like rain is possible over the next few days.  
It doesn't appear we are hitting our spots quite as well as the last few years.  Last year we hit ZERO rain... that is if you ignore the fact that we headed East a week early due to rainy weather every freaking where we investigated.
Caples Lake in the distance
We prefer to hike in sunshine and bright blue skies...thunderstorms at high elevation are downright scary.  Today looked to be a better day for a hike than a drive so off we headed to Carson's Pass to hike out to Lake Winnemucca.  
Since we're starting the hike from the Pass the elevation climb isn't too bad at all...greatly appreciated by those of us who hate to climb uphill.  
Wild Iris
The lack of rain has put a hurting on the number of wild flowers...widely scattered.  Disappointing, but at least we got to see huge numbers in Yellowstone and the Bridgers.  The winter was less than ideal too since the snow pack is far less than last year...California is seriously running out of water.

Butterfly in action

Young Clark Nutcracker pestering
As we were hiking we kept hearing young birds pestering their parents.  The Clarks Nutcracker's young were squawking at their parents for a seed constantly.  On our hike uphill the parents kept showing them what to do and giving them a seed every so often.  
But by the time we headed back down the parent was tired of the sharing... when the young got too close rather than a seed it got a dose of pecking.  The squawking changed pitch immediately.  Not sure if the young one every learned how to get their own seeds or not.  We thought we'd learn pretty quickly given the size of the adult bird's beak.
Coop dips his toes in Frog Lake
Still not swimming
Cooper splashed about in Frog Lake with a couple of other dog buddies, but he would not swim.  Silly dog.  By the time we got to Winnemucca Bill was determined to get him in the water for a proper swim... with the side benefit of a bath.  
Once Bill removed his pant legs, braces, boots and socks he was all set.  Cooper followed him out far enough that he finally had to swim or sink.  A few 'laps' back and forth along with a good rub down Coop was almost clean.   At least he looked clean.  Coop took care of the looking clean a few hours later back in camp... he laid flat out in the dirt and ash.  Yep... clean dog no longer. 
Finally swimming
A quick rub down
Too bad Cooper can't take a shower... ours was nice and almost too hot.  Darn close to perfect though after a hot day hiking.
Lake Winnemucca
Climbing up for a view

Drying their toes
Sunset behind camp
Sunset in the Sierras'
Cindi knitting below