Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Free Styling at Capels Lake

We’ve been getting up early and heading out on the road for the last several days so today we basically sat at camp…well mostly we sat.  After breakfast the guys went out for a walk while the dishes and a minor sewing repair got done.  Once everyone finished up with all that we headed off to a hike behind our camp.   We did a freestyle hike out on the huge granite rocks right behind the campground.  A really cool place…huge expanses of rock with old pines and firs coming up out of the ‘rock’ along with various boulders setting around in strange positions. 

We discovered that if you tap on the rock you can tell by the sound just how hollow some spots are and how close the rock is to coming apart.  We could even lift up a few areas that had begun to flake away.   One particular rock really stood out… half of it broke off in a triangle shape and is sitting upright buried in the dirt.  The other half is settled even further down.  A very odd looking area. 

We enjoyed making up our own trail and descended into the forest and followed the noises of rushing water until we found the creek.
Cooper seemed to enjoy his bath (sorely in need of a legitimate one) in the stream…almost had to swim when he found a deeper hole.  He had a good time dragging us around the rocks in search of his friends…Chip and Squirrel.  Really all he needs to do is wait for them at the tent…they run through camp constantly.  It is like someone has been feeding them or something.  No, it is definitely not us…we’re the only ones around here that put everything away.  We are in a bear mode state of mind…just in case.
After supper we really confused the poor old dog…we dragged him away from his comfy bed and out on the rocks.  Cooper did not understand why we just sat and waited.   He wanted to go down the rocks towards the ever popular ground squirrel local.  We wanted to wait up on top of the rocks for sunset.  We won.  Although he tried to induce us by looking longingly down the slope, then at us and back down the rocks.  It was a bit chilly and windy as the sun settled below the horizon, but we stuck it out and were rewarded with a beautiful sunset. 
Tomorrow we plan to head out and find a serious hike.

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