Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Aspen's First Night Out

Wyoming...traffic?  NOPE!
After what seemed like days and days we made it to our first night camping.  No idea why Monday's driving felt like we were running in place.  The late start leaving Louisville really seemed to mess up our usual driving pace.  Our normal breaks didn't fit the hour and the whole day we didn't seem to be getting anywhere.  We did hit St. Louis late afternoon so we didn't have to drive that crazy rush hour.  Thank goodness.  The heavy traffic goes on for miles and usually takes over an hour to get back to more normal driving speeds...less cars too.  Kansas City was smooth...thank goodness.

We changed our plans from heading north to the Dakotas and decided we'd rather drive through Wyoming.  We spent the 2nd night on the road outside of Nebraska City, Nebraska.  Our mojo must have returned overnight because we arrived in Cheyenne early enough to gas up, stock the cooler with block ice and plot out our next stop...Glendo State Park

Bill and Coop 'resting' (aka texting Tom)
It was a pretty hot day...90's, but the humidity was fairly pleasant.  Of course we had the usual Wyoming 'breeze' to keep us cool.  We arrived, picked out a site among the Cottonwoods and set up the Aspen for its first overnight.  Setting up this little camper is so darn quick.  In under 5 minutes we had the main section set up and sitting under the shade of the tent canopy trying to decided what to fix for dinner.

Cooper picked out his spot.  After the card game got started he wanted inside the tent...although he was less pleased to see that he was alone.  The bugs did drive us inside to finish the card game once the sun went down.  He was a happy dog and could he didn't do that all day in the car.

He leads a hard life...yeah right!

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