Today we once again turned east...maybe it'll stick this time. The drive was mostly just driving. Not much to report other than the sightings of a few critters along the route. Quite a few hawks of various types...red tail, rough legged, Cooper's along with numerous bald eagles, but no photographic documentation of any on them. Extremely difficult to get a decent shot of anything when zooming along at 75 mph.
One last view of the mountains of Montana
Once we entered the flatland of South Dakota's wheat/corn country we spotted several ring necked pheasants along the roadside. Once again not able to get clear shots of the birds just take our word for it. Also the usual mule deer & white tail deer wandering along the road and in the fields.
We didn't expect to see prong horns, but we did. Maybe they need a compass 'cause they've wandered into South Dakota further than they are said to be...well past the "150 miles of Cody, WY" alleged in our research.
We'll leave you with a few more shots we did get today....moon at sunrise over Montana and one more sunrise shot.

Our next segment of driving will be even more uninteresting we're afraid...Sioux Falls to Louisville, KY...but you never know what we may find to sidetrack us along the way.
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