We were planning on skiing

at Snowy Range outside Laramie and then heading home; but then we got a big storm Monday night. Tuesday morning we checked the slope conditions (Solitude in Salt Lake City got 26 in., Bridger Bowl in Bozeman got 18 in. and Snowy Range got several inches) and road conditions and after some discussion (OK a lot of discussion) we headed off to Bozeman for a second tim

e. I wasn't sure we would be able to make it to Bozeman in one day, but what the heck. It was around 0F but thankfully not much wind; at least not much for WY. The road had patchy snow for almost the entire trip, but with virtually no traffic, we could still make 65-75mph in most places.

We heard that the jackalope was not real, but we saw this one sitting up on a hill.

I'm pretty sure we set a new 'dirty car' record.

Sunset in Bozeman, MT.
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