Yep, the title says it all. Our first truly powder day in over 15 years of skiing. Our original plan for today was to tour about the town of Taos. Th

at all changed when we realized that the ski areas received about 10 inches of fresh snow overnight. Off we headed to
Sipapu Ski Resort before we even ate our breakfast...couldn't find the McDonald's. After only 5 minutes of driving we were heading up into the mountains on the "High Road to Taos"...one of the many scenic roads we've found on this trip. Sadly no pictures of the drive up since the plows had not made enough room to safely pull off...didn't need any close encounters with one of those plows. Wow do they drive fast & furious!
The best part about skiing at Sipapu today...well other than the powder...was the lift ticket price. This place has the funniest and longest list of "freebie" lift tickets we have ever seen. How about skiing for free if you're 40...not 49 shooot! Our deal today was buy one get one for free...tomorrow is Car Load Wednesday. Everyone in the car skis for $50!
Not sure why people don't flock up to the place because today was dead...no lines and whole slopes to ourselves. Ten inches of powder and not a line in sight. WOW! The resort is pretty old, no upgraded lifts, or fan

cy food courts and pretty narrow runs so maybe that's it. The lift we rode did have one really weird feature...for us anyway...how about no safety bar? Narrow seats and no safety bar makes for a wee bit of nervousness as we rode up the lift.
At least the snow was soft and I should know....

Gearing up for Big Snow.....as always click any picture to enlarge!
